blog:Parts Archives - Kitchener Nissan
Massive Winter Tire Clearout

Is it time to retire your current set of tires? Say no more! Contact us today and take advantage of the most aggressive pricing of the YEAR! Don't miss out - request a quote! Offer valid on all makes and models!!
15% Off Genuine Nissan Accessories

At Kitchener Nissan, we want to ensure you can make your Nissan, just that, YOURS! Accessorize your Nissan specifically to your needs and enjoy the savings of 15% off! Browse our Accessories Store HERE!
15% off Nissan Accessories
September Parts Special 15% OFF Nissan Accessories! Valid until September 30, 2020.
$15 OFF Nissan Batteries
September Parts Special $15 OFF Nissan Batteries! Valid until September 30, 2020.